Friday, March 9, 2012

Rootigation, Sapigation, Floatigation

Here methods are explored for giving water and other inputs through use of biochar.

Rootigation 1 and Rootigation 2, Sapigation and Floatigation
Some of these methods are being applied in the field for mango plantation. Floatigation methods are being applied for raising nurseries in poly houses.


Why these methods are needed?

Water is precious and should be used judiciously. In all types of irrigation methods, water is wasted in many ways. To reduce the losses these are the innovative methods.

No one would through water on the ground and expect a plant to consume it all without wastage. This method would assure that all the water is taken by the plant without wastage. There wont be wastage of water because.

Biochar has a very good affinity for water and it has the storage capacity. No water would be wasted as the water would be given slowly through drip system. The nutrients could also be given to the plant mixed in the water and in diluted form, so that the plant consumes it slowly, rather throwing concentrated quantity at the root zone.

In floatigation one need not bother to give water to a plant. Through the capillary action the biochar would absorb required quantity of water as per the need. The containers height can be adusted (sunk in the water) as per the requirement.

These irrigation "Rootigation 1" and "Rootigation 2", "Sapigation" and "Floatigation" systems are a revolution in agriculture irrigation systems.

1 comment:

  1. Water is indeed precious. During my wastewater operator certification they have showed us a lot of technology that helps us with our water resource but I do hope that a lot of people realize that we can't just go on relying on technology to provide us with our resources, we should all be responsible in using it always.
